
Since 1926, Brügge­­mann has success­­fully manu­­fac­tured and sold Brug­golite® sulfur based redu­­cing agents. Based on Sodium Form­al­de­hyde Sulfoxylate, the very first indus­trial chem­ical from Brügge­­mann, devel­op­­ment expertise has expanded the applic­a­­tion areas where these products enable customers to improve their mater­­ials. Brügge­­mann is the first company to offer a sulfur-based form­al­de­hyde free redu­­cing agent, Brug­golite® FF6 M. Unique R&D activ­ities continue to develop new, envir­on­­ment­ally friendly grades of redu­­cing agents that provide addi­­tional bene­fits. In addi­­tion to Brug­golite® grades in solid form, redu­­cing agents are available in stable liquid form for customers that want to avoid the hand­ling of solids.

The water soluble redu­­cing agents range is supplied glob­ally to improve emul­­sion poly­­mers. New regu­latory demands for VOC/Form­al­de­hyde reduc­­tion in coat­ings and adhes­ives are achiev­­able with our advanced redu­­cing agents, enabling water­­borne poly­­mers to replace solvent based mater­­ials in many areas. Other typical indus­trial uses include textile, paper, and mineral bleaching.

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